When we unite our community together, good things happen.
Amazing things happen when we celebrate our city together.
We want to elevate Memphis to new heights!
Uniting the people of Memphis by celebrating the good and elevating
the story of our city.
Four poems by Memphis high school students are brought to life by local professionals in a poetry competition like none other.
You know how our city is at times divided, how negativity is spotlighted, and how the lows of our story seem to dominate the narrative?
We have created a way, through beauty, through poetry and filmmaking, to unite our hearts, celebrate the good, and elevate the shared story that is the soul of Memphis.

This is the Memphis Soul Prize!
Joshua Worley
White Station High School
Memphis Soul Prize has really helped our student's get stronger at writing... and it's showed them how AWESOME Memphis is.
Matthew Jones
Overton High School
The Memphis Soul Prize is great! It is a good introduction to the basics of poetic writing as well as a fun way to celebrate the Bluff City! It is especially fun to see kids thinking and talking about their hometown and finding ways to represent the parts of it they hold most dear. The diversity of student responses is always incredible!
Raquel Darling-Greer
Literacy Manager
Every once and a while something comes around that reminds you why you do what you do. That's the Memphis Soul Prize.